Say hello to the safest, most reliable tank monitoring system ever made.

Current cryostorage monitoring is outdated.
That’s why we’re here.
The CryoScout™ is a weight-based monitoring system that measures the weight of cryotanks over time. It alerts you faster than anything else on the market if you are losing liquid nitrogen. The single goal at Boreas is to provide you with the ultimate in cryotank management.
Our patented weight-based monitoring system detects cryotank failures
than temperature-based monitoring.
Unlike temperature, the CryoScout™ can detect the weight change of liquid to vapor-phase nitrogen up to 84 hours before a failure, giving you the ability to be proactive vs. reactive when monitoring the health of your cryotanks.
Why the CryoScout™?
Tank Failure Detection
Tank Health Data
Robust Alarm Management
Be proactive, not reactive.
With the CryoScout™, you can monitor the health trends of your tanks remotely 24/7 with accuracy and precision, detecting tank failures 84 hours sooner than temperature-based monitoring systems, which only provide 30 minutes notice before a failure.

Weight-Based Accuracy
Remote, Real-Time 24/7
In-Depth Data
Alerts & Notifications
Who We Protect
Fertility Clinics
Animal Sciences
Life Sciences & Biorepositories
Trusted by lab professionals

Weight-based monitoring has arrived.
We can’t wait to introduce you.
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